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SAE 20W50 SL /CF Gasoline Engine Oil Made in UAE

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Features & Benefits : 
SAE 20W50 SL / CFGasoline Engine Oil is meticulously engineered for today's tougher engine specifications. It provides very good engine protection and extends engine life.
  • Excellent wear protection
  • Excellent engine cleanliness
Applications :
SAE 20W50 SL/CF  is suitable for use in both petrol and diesel powered vehicles. DANA products are ideally suited for less stressful driving conditions such as highway driving and lower consistent speed conditions.

Advantages of DANA Lubes are:-

· Longevity by Ultimate Engine Protection in all driving conditions 

· Lower Fuel consumption due to low friction caused by low viscosity 

· Oxidation Stability against corrosion 

· Protection against heat stress, engine deposits , rust , wear 

· Longer Drain Interval

· Suitable for harshest operating conditions in automotive, marines and heavy industrial applications 

· Thermal stability and hydraulic stability 

Product Range :-

1. Fully Synthetic Engine Oils 
SAE 0W20 , 0W30 , 5W20 , 5W30 , 5W40 , 10W30 , 10W40 , 15W30 , 15W40 , 20W50 , 20W60 , SAE 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 
For Diesel Engines - API CH4/CI4/CJ4 
For Gasoline Engines - API SN/SM/SL

2. Semi Synthetic Engine Oils 
SAE 0W20 , 0W30 , 5W20 , 5W30 , 5W40 , 10W30 , 10W40 , 15W30 , 15W40 , 20W50 , 20W60 , SAE 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 
For Diesel Engines - API CH4/CI4/CJ4
For Gasoline Engines - API SN/SM/SL

3. Premium Engine Oils 
SAE 10W40 , 15W30 , 15W40 , 20W50 , 20W60 , SAE 30 , 40 , 50 , 60 , 70 
For Diesel Engines - API CF4/CH4/CI4/CJ4
For Gasoline Engines - API SC/SF/SJ/SL

4. Grease 
Calcium Multipurpose Grease - MP2/ MP3
Lithium Multipurpose Grease - MP2/ MP3
Lithium Extreme Pressure Grease - EP00/EP 0 /EP 2/ EP 3 
Molybdenum High Temperature Grease
High Temperature Grease
Lithium Complex High Temperature Grease
Food Grade Grease

5. Brake Fluid 
- Brake Fluid DOT 3
- Brake Fluid DOT 4

6.Automatic Transmission Fluid ( ATF )
-ATF Type 1A 
- ATF Dexron Dex I , Dex II, Dex III

7. Hydraulic Oils 
Hydraulic Oil 32 , 46 , 68 , 100 , 150 

8. Gear Oils 
Gear Oil 90 , 140 , 80W90 , 75W90 , 85W140 , 80W140 ,75W140 

9. Coolant /Antifreeze 
Car Radiator Coolant / Antifreezeof 100 % , 50 %, 33% , 30 % , 25 % , 10 % Concentrations 

10. Compressor Oils , Rail oils , Oils for Marine 

11. 2T Scooter oils , 2T oils for Auto rickshaws

12. 4T Motorcycle Engine Oil - 4T 10W40 , 4T 20W50 , 4T 20W40 

DANA Lubricants Factory LLC is based in UAE and has three branches in Ajman in United Arab Emirates . It is an ISO 9001: 2008 Certified company and is part of DANA Groups ( ).

DANA Engine Oil is Globally present in more than 25 countries worldwide viz India , Pakistan , Afghanistan , Vietnam , Myanmar , Cambodia , Bangladesh ,Mauritius , South America , Latin America , Canada, North America , African countries like Tanzania , South Africa , Cameroon . 

Contact us for more details :-
Address: 283 , Al Jurf Industrial Area , Ajman , UAE
Landline : +971-4-2217273 
Watsapp- +971-50-7983153 / +971-55-2483514
Skype : danalubes
E mail : info at danagroups com , danalubes at danagroups com , ankur at danagroups com 

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