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Incoloy 800 Bolts & Nuts

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Incoloy 800 is primarily used in applications with temperatures up to 1100° F, where alloys 800H and 800HT are normally used in temperatures above 1100° F where resistance to creep and rupture is required. The chemical balance allows the nickel steel alloy to exhibit excellent resistance to carburization, oxidation and nitriding atmospheres. Incoloy 800HT will not become embrittled even after long periods of usage in the 1200-1600° F range where many stainless steels become brittle. Excellent cold forming characteristics typically associated with the nickel-chromium alloys are exhibited with 800HT. 
What are the characteristics of Incoloy 800H/HT?

Good corrosion resistance in many acidic environments
Good resistance to many sulfur-containing atmospheres

ASTM Specifications

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Alloy Pipe Smls Pipe Welded Tube Smls Tube Welded Sheet/Plate Bar Forging Fitting
Alloy 800 (UNS N08800) B407 B154 B163 B515 B409 B408 B564 B366