Item Code: RXSOL-40-4020-025
Corroision Inhibitor For Closed/ Chilled Systems With NitriteIt is multi-functional corrosion inhibitor for protecting recalculating cooling and heating water systems. RXSOL-40-4020 treatment is an excellent treatment for diesel engine primary and secondary cooling water. It is also ideally suited for use in chilled water systems because it forms a clear, non-staining solution, which protects the system from corrosion and hard water scale.other valueable product1) MorpholineIts pH adjusting qualities then become distributed throughout the steam plant to provide corrosionprotection. Morpholine is often used in conjunction with low concentrations of hydrazine or ammonia to provide a comprehensive all-volatile treatment chemistry for corrosion protection for the steam systems of such plants. 2)MICRO BIOCIDE Cooling Water 25 Ltr RXSOL-40-4009-020 t is a strong algae depressant fully compatible with alkalizing and flocculating agents normally used in cooling / boiler water. Algae growth is the main cause of colour in water.3) Corrosion inhibitor for copper/copper alloy system RXSOL-40-4017-025 RXSOL-40-4017 is an excellent organic, film forming, liquid corrosion inhibitor product developed specifically for copper and copper alloy based water systems. RXSOL-40-4017 is designed to supplement other chemical treatments used in open re-circulating cooling water systems that contain copper or copper alloys.